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Western politicians blamed for dragging experts into destructive game for world dominance


The political elites of Western countries are dragging the expert community into a deceitful, destructive and radicalizing game for world domination, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belarus Yuri Ambrazevich said as he addressed the Belarus-Russia expert meeting in Minsk on 21 June, BelTA has learned.

He drew attention to the ongoing destruction of the world security architecture and the system of international relations. “You know this better than me. Yet, it is extremely regrettable that the political elites of Western countries are dragging, often by force, the expert and analytical community in this dirty, misleading, extremely dangerous, destructive global game for world domination, thus radicalizing experts' views,” Yuri Ambrazevich emphasized.

In his opinion, this is a criminal path, a road to an even greater crisis, since it is known that at certain historical stages the elites become unable to generate new ideas.

“In such cases, these ideas are generated by the society and systematized by you, the expert community,” the diplomat continued. “In the end, who will be able to give politicians a signal where to stop? Who will identify the red line and say loudly that one should not cross it, because it will be detrimental to the region and the world? And who will think about the future in the global and post-conflict terms?” the deputy minister of foreign affairs asked.

At the same time, Yuri Ambrazevich emphasized: “Looking at the West, one gets an impression that there will soon be no such forces and personalities left.”

BelTA – News from Belarus