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Work in progress to develop action plan to preserve biodiversity in Belarus in 2021-2025


MINSK(BelTA) – The Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Ministry is working on a national action plan on preservation and sustainable use of biological diversity in 2021-2025, the ministry's press service told BelTA.
The ministry's Biological and Landscape Diversity Office is working on the draft action plan. The document is being worked out taking into account the Biological Diversity Convention and other international environmental protection agreements. The document is meant to help Belarus reach the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and is guided by the priorities stipulated by the draft national strategy on sustainable development for the period till 2035.
Measures and events specified by the draft action plan are designed to preserve biological diversity, ensure the sustainable use of its components, and secure benefits from using genetic resources on a fair and equal basis.
Over $1.6 million was spent on implementing measures to preserve biological and landscape diversity in 2019 as part of international projects.