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GOMEL, 4 November (BelTA) – The Belarusian steel mill BMZ exported $1.085 billion worth of products in January-September 2021, $370.9 million up from the same period last year. The growth made up 51.9%, BelTA learned from the company. In January-September 2021 the company's export accounted for 82.9% of the total in volume terms and 82.8% in value terms. Steel rods, steel cord, bead bronze wire, and brass-based wire rod enjoyed the greatest demand in foreign markets. In January-September...
China intends to continue implementing highly effective projects together with Belarus within the framework of the Belt and Road initiative in addition to constantly enhancing cooperation in the area of digital economy. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of China to Belarus Xie Xiaoyong made the statement during the online opening ceremony of the Seeds for the Future 2021 program on 1 November, BelTA has learned. The ambassador said that the program was launched in Belarus...
The modernization of enterprises of the Belarusian timber, woodworking, pulp and paper industry concern Bellesbumprom has allowed creating about 5,000 new jobs, the concern's press service told BelTA. According to the source, Bellesbumprom enterprises are operating steadily despite the coronavirus pandemic. They manage to hit all the social and economic development targets. All the Bellesbumprom enterprises, which have implemented investment projects to modernize and set up new...
More than 2,698,000 people in Belarus have got a COVID-19 vaccine, of them over 1,020,000 got their second jab, BelTA learned from the press service of the Healthcare Ministry. More than 30,800 Belarusians have been vaccinated with Sputnik Light. The regional breakdown of people who got the second shot is as follows: over 247,100 in Brest Oblast, over 209,100 in Vitebsk Oblast, over 372,800 in Gomel oblast, over 239,000 in Grodno Oblast, over 237,200 in Minsk Oblast, over...
Some 7.3% of winter crops are left to plant in Belarus, BelTA learned from the Belarusian Agriculture and Food Ministry. As of the morning of 7 October, winter crops were sown on the area of 1.35 million hectares, which is 92.7% of the target area (1,456,100 hectares). The regional breakdown of the sowing progress is as follows: Brest Oblast (sowing complete), Minsk Oblast (324,300 hectares or 94.2%), Vitebsk Oblast (204,600 hectares or 88.5%), Grodno Oblast (189,900 hectares or...
Over 50 companies from five countries are taking part in the international construction exhibition Budpragres 2021 which kicked off in Minsk on 14 September, BelTA has learned. Taking part in the event are companies from Belarus, India, Latvia, Russia and Ukraine. The domestic manufacturers attending the expo include the Belarusian Glass Company, Berezastroymaterialy, Gomel Glass, Grodno Glass Plant, Keramika, Krasnoselskstroymaterialy, Radoshkovichi Ceramic Plant, Neman Glassworks...
 The Belarusian manufacturer of agricultural machines OAO Gomselmash has signed a dealership agreement with the Madagascarian company Bemaco, BelTA learned from the Gomselmash website. A Madagascarian delegation, which included Bemaco CEO Riana Lala and Mahsoa Company Director Rasolonjatovo Honore, visited Gomselmash. The main purpose of the visit was to sign the dealership agreement. Now Bemaco will represent Gomselmash's interests in Madagascar and will sell Belarusian harvesters...
Belarus has started harvesting buckwheat, BelTA learned from the Agriculture and Food Ministry. As of 23 August, 150 hectares planted to buckwheat were cropped, or almost 0.49% of the target. All in all, 2.032 million hectares of grain and leguminous crops (excluding corn) were harvested, or almost 95.8% of the target. Some 6.204 million tonnes of grain were threshed. Minsk Oblast is leading with over 1.5 million tonnes. Brest Oblast goes second with 1.2 million tonnes and...
Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko explained the reasons for the support of agricultural enterprises and cooperatives in Belarus. The matter is that they also perform additional social functions, the head of state said during the visit to OAO Tikhnichi in Rogachev District, BelTA informs. The head of state asked about the state of affairs in the agricultural industry in Rogachev District, the progress in the development of agricultural organizations in general and of OAO Tikhnichi in...

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