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GOMEL, 19 December (BelTA) – Specialists from seven countries will take part in the international conference Innovative Technologies in the Agro-Industry that will be held at the sci-tech center of combine harvester manufacturing of OAO Gomselmash on 21-22 December, BelTA learned from the organizing committee. Invitations to take part in the discussion on the expansion of the sci-tech cooperation in designing and launching the production of innovative competitive equipment for the...
GOMEL (BelTA) – The ceremony to open the first regional Confucius institute will take place in the Gomel State University on 20 December, representatives of the university told BelTA.  The agreement to set up the Confucius institute was signed by the university’s rector Sergei Khakhomov and President of the Nanjing University of Science and Technology Fu Mengyin on 10 December when top officials of the Gomel State University visited China. Participants of the first session of...
GOMEL (BelTA) – The Belarusian-Kazakh joint venture, which is based at premises of the company Agromashholding in Kostanay, Kazakhstan will start assembling two new grain harvester models in 2018, BelTA learned from Dmitry Afanasyev, Deputy Director of the Regional Sales Department, Head of the Kazakhstan Sales Office at the Belarusian agricultural machinery engineering company Gomselmash.  The Belarusian-Kazakh joint venture will start offering KZS-575 and KZS-10 models. The new...
GOMEL(BelTA) - Sweden would like to expand bilateral cooperation with Gomel Oblast, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Sweden to Belarus Christina Johannesson told the media after her meeting with Gomel Mayor Piotr Kirichenko on 22 November, BelTA has learned.   According to the diplomat, the cooperation between Gomel Oblast and Sweden needs to be developed further.   In her words, today's economy of any country largely depends on small and medium-sized...
GOMEL (BelTA) – Gomel craftsmen brought home awards from the international textile doll and toy competition. The winners were announced at the Craft Bazaar exhibition in St Petersburg, Russia, BelTA learned from the Belarusian Guild of Craftsmen. The handiwork competition and an exhibition fair gathered dozens of craftsmen from Russia, Estonia, and Belarus. The exposition featured interior and household items, toys, attire, designer clothes and accessories. Belarus was represented by...
GOMEL (BelTA) – The administrations of Gomel Oblast and Kherson Oblast as well as the Nikolayev-based agricultural company Nibulon have signed a trilateral memorandum on cooperation and partnership in order to implement a project on restoring the navigation on the Dnieper River, BelTA learned from spokeswoman for the Gomel Oblast Executive Committee Olga Ryabikova.  The document was signed during the tenth international investment forum Taurida Horizons which took place in the city...
GOMEL, 27 September (BelTA) – R&D products of Belarusian scientists are used to rehabilitate territories polluted by the accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant, BelTA learned from Shuichi Okumoto, an employee of the EM Research Organization (EMRO), Japan. Shuichi Okumoto took part in the international scientific conference Radiobiology: Challenges of the 21st Century in Gomel on 27 September. The conference is timed to the 30th anniversary of the Radiobiology Institute of the...
GOMEL, 21 September (BelTA) – A Belarusian harvester KZS-1218 has demonstrated the maximum yield of cereals in Russia’s Rostov Oblast this season, BelTA learned from Vasily Kozlov, Deputy Director of the Regional Sales Department at the Belarusian mechanical engineering company Gomselmash. The executive took part in the ceremony held to honor the best agricultural machinery operators in Rostov Oblast. According to the source, the Gomselmash harvester gathered in over 4,500 tonnes of grain...
Nearly 10,000 foreigners visited health resorts of the Gomel Oblast in January-June 2017, BelTA learned from the Belarusian national center of health resort treatment and recuperation. Regional health resorts provided almost Br7.4 million worth of services to citizens of CIS and non-CIS states. Health resorts Pridneprovsky, Chenki, and Serebryanye Klyuchi (Silver Springs) were the major exporters of health services. Another one, Mashinostroitel has been rapidly boosting the export of...
MINSK, 1 June (BelTA) – The modernization of Belarusian oil refineries will be finished in 2019. The deadline was set as a result of the government conference called by the head of state on 1 June to discuss the strategy for developing the Belarusian oil processing industry, BelTA learned from Igor Lyashenko, Chairman of the Belarusian state petrochemical concern Belneftekhim. The implementation of investment projects at the Naftan oil refinery and Mozyr Oil Refinery was discussed in...

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