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GOMEL, 3 April (BelTA) – Cooperation between Gomel Oblast and Russia's Bryansk Oblast should be advanced for the sake of residents of the two oblasts. The opinion was voiced by Vladimir Popkov, chairman of the Bryansk Oblast parliament, who led the Bryansk Oblast delegation during events held in Gomel on 2 April to celebrate the Day of Unity of the Peoples of Belarus and Russia, BelTA has learned. In 2014 trade turnover between Bryansk Oblast and Belarus totaled $800 million. Gomel...
MINSK, 27 March (BelTA) – According to police data a considerable part of grey import comes to Belarus from Russia, BelTA learned from Veronika Posmetyeva, Chief Detective for Priority Cases of the Central Office for Economic Crimes of the Belarusian Interior Ministry. "After analyzing operational data we have come to a conclusion that a considerable part of grey import comes to Belarus from the Russian Federation," noted Veronika Posmetyeva. Since the beginning of 2015 over Br104.8...
GOMEL, 20 March (BelTA) – Amid the growing economic globalization Gomel Oblast is able to become a new investment corridor for international business, Gomel Oblast Governor Vladimir Dvornik said at the Congress of Free & Special Economic Zones of Northern & Eastern Europe in Gomel on 19 March, BelTA has learned. According to Vladimir Dvornik, the intention of the oblast to become an investment platform for productive doing business is supported by its favorable geographic position,...
GOMEL, 13 March (BelTA) - Jean-Yves Bouchardy, Representative of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Belarus, is expected to pay an official visit to Gomel Oblast on 12-13 March, BelTA learnt from the press service of the oblast executive committee. The program of the trip will include a visit to the facility of temporary accommodation, psychological and social adaptation of refugees at the Gomel center of social services for families and children, the oblast organization...
GOMEL, 6 March (BelTA) – The Belarusian producer of construction materials and sanitary wares OAO Keramin intends to increase export to the European Union by 40-50% in 2015, BelTA learned from the company's Director General Alexander Yanovsky. The executive took part in the opening of a proprietary store in Gomel. "We started working hard to diversify target markets in 2014. We successfully cooperate with Czechia, Baltic states, Hungary, and Serbia. For instance, export to the Baltic...
GOMEL, 20 February (BelTA) – We should learn from Belarusians how to love native land, executive secretary of the Zaporozhye Oblast office of the Union of Journalists of Ukraine Valentina Manzhura told BelTA. She took part in a press tour for Ukrainian journalists to Gomel Oblast on 17-18 February. In her words, she made this conclusion from the very first minutes in Belarus. "We crossed the border and I said: OK, this is an absolutely different quality of roads here. But I have heard...
GOMEL, 13 February (BelTA) – Belarusian healthcare institutions were tasked to increase the export of medical services by a quarter, up to $42 million in 2015, Deputy Healthcare Minister of Belarus Vyacheslav Shilo told BelTA in Gomel on 11 February. He took part in the final session of the healthcare board of the Gomel Oblast Executive Committee. In 2014 the export of medical services exceeded $33 million, up by 8% of the plan. The export targets were hit by Minsk-based healthcare...
GOMEL, 6 February (BelTA) – UniCredit Bank Austria AG and OAO BMZ, the managing company of the holding company BMC, have signed an agreement on extending a $35 million revolving credit line for the benefit of the Belarusian company, the press service of Belarusian Steel Works (BMZ trademark) told BelTA. The availability of guaranteed financial resources from a major European bank will allow BMZ with its vigorous export operations to make timely transactions with foreign partners and...
GOMEL, 30 January (BelTA) – In view of rising international tensions the notion of peace is reevaluated. The opinion was voiced by Timofei Glushakov, Chairman of the Gomel Oblast Office of the Belarusian Peace Foundation. Timofei Glushakov remarked that during the open dialogue with reporters on 29 January Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko stressed the importance of values like peace, order and tranquility for the life of the society. "The president was right in saying that the...
GOMEL, 23 January (BelTA) – OAO Oil Company Yangpur, a branch of Belorusneft based in Western Siberia, produced 134,900 tonnes of oil in 2014, BelTA learned from the press service of the company. In 2014 the company increased oil production by 16,000 tonnes (or by 13.5%) compared to 2013. Belorusneft acquired Russian OAO Oil Company Yangpur via an auction in September 2013. The oil production increased on the back of the technological upgrade aimed to improve oil recovery. Overall,...

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