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Chinese partners interested in foods from Belarusian Gomel

GOMEL, 11 July (BelTA) – The Chinese city of Huaian is interested in buying food products from Gomel, BelTA learned from Yao Xiaodong, a Counsellor for Economic Affairs of the Huaian People’s Government, after the Chinese city’s official delegation met with top officials of the Gomel City Executive Committee.
Yao Xiaodong believes that Huaian and Gomel have a great potential for further advancing cooperation in various spheres. He stressed that Gomel-made foods are particularly interesting. In May 2019 the Gomel-based company OAO Milkavita participated in an international food industry expo in Huaian. Huaian residents duly appreciated Belarusian dairy products.
The official also noted that during the current visit to Belarus the Chinese delegation will be able to learn more about the food products made in Gomel in order to make consequent decisions.
During the meeting Chairman of the Gomel City Council of Deputies Nikolai Kovalevich pointed out that the Belarusian city had been twinned with several Chinese cities. The twin-city relations are longest with Huaian. They began in 1997. Nikolai Kovalevich informed members of the Chinese delegation about industrial, economic, cultural, scientific, educational, and medical potential of the oblast capital. In turn, Yao Xiaodong informed those present about the development of the Chinese city.
After the meeting the guests went to OAO Milkavita. The delegation is also expected to visit the Gomel fat processing plant and Gomel Meat Processing Plant.
According to the Gomel City Executive Committee, in January-April 2019 Gomel’s trade with China amounted to $16.9 million. In 2018 the figure was $41.8 million. The main exporters were OAO Gomselmash, OAO Milkavita, OOO Belprodukt, and SP OAO Spartak. Gomel companies also try to showcase their products at various expos in China.