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MINSK, 13 March (BelTA) – The export of services by companies residing in the Hi-Tech Park in Belarus rose by 31% in 2014, BelTA learned from Valery Tsepkalo, Director of the Hi-Tech Park Administration. In 2014 resident companies of the Hi-Tech Park exported $585.2 million worth of services, 131% as against 2013. Export accounted for 88% of the HTP's total production. "Across the country we secured a 44% increase in the export of services in the balance of payments in 2014," stressed...
MINSK, 6 March (BelTA) – The talks with the World Bank over a loan continue, Forestry Minister Mikhail Amelyanovich told a press conference on the forest management in the Republic of Belarus and Finland's experience, BelTA has learned. When asked whether Belarus needs additional funds to approximate its forestry management standards with the Finnish ones, the minister noted: "We are negotiating the $40 million loan with the World Bank, of which $5 million will be used to purchase...
MOSCOW, 20 February (BelTA) - Belarus has received tens of thousands of refugees from Ukraine, Chairman of the Council of the Republic of the Belarusian National Assembly Mikhail Myasnikovich said after the meeting with Speaker of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of Russia Valentina Matviyenko in Moscow on 19 February, BelTA has learned. We have received tens of thousands of refugees. We have done everything to help these people. We have sent the children to school, provided...
MOSCOW, 13 February (BelTA) – Obviously, the Normandy 4 talks in Minsk will be remembered as a historical meeting, Speaker of the Russian State Duma Sergei Naryshkin said as he met with representative of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Ilkka Kanerva in Moscow on 12 February, BelTA has learned. "I do not want to give excellent assessments, but it is obvious that the results of the Minsk talks can be estimated as positive," Sergei Naryshkin said. He believes that the leaders of France,...
MOSCOW, 6 February (BelTA) – Belarusian Premier Andrei Kobyakov will chair the first meeting of the Intergovernmental Eurasian Council which is due to take place in the Russian government residence Gorki in Moscow Region on 6 February, BelTA has learned. In 2015 Belarus is presiding in the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) integration bodies (the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council, the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council, the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission). The EEU heads of...
MINSK, 30 January (BelTA) – The UN agencies in Belarus will continue to provide support in various sectors within new projects and initiatives, UN/UNDP Resident Coordinator in Belarus Sanaka Samarasinha told media after the international conference "Strengthening technical cooperation between Belarus and the UN: Results, New Prospects and Opportunities" held in Minsk on 29 January, BelTA has learned. Sanaka Samarasinha views the current level of cooperation as high. In his words, the UN...
MINSK, 23 January (BelTA) – Belarus took part in the first session of the intergovernmental negotiations on the Post-2015 development agenda in New York to present the guidelines it would use in the process of negotiations on the new Post-2015 agenda, BelTA learnt from the press service of the Foreign Ministry of Belarus. Speaking at the UN session, Deputy Foreign Minister Valentin Rybakov outlined the need to take into account the interests and potential of the middle-income countries,...
MINSK, 16 January (BelTA) – Expo 2015 is a great opportunity to showcase the best products made in Belarus, Deputy Chairman of the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Vladimir Ulakhovich told reporters on 15 January, BelTA has learned. "The major goal of Belarus' participation at the Universal Exposition that will be held in Milan this year is to enhance its business appeal. Expo 2015 will give a great opportunity to present the best of Belarusian products and to find partners...
MINSK, 10 January (BelTA) – On 9 January Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko presented awards For Spiritual Revival, special awards for people of culture and art, and Belarusian Sport Olympus awards. The award ceremony took place in the Palace of the Republic, BelTA has learned. An award For Spiritual Revival went to the staff of the National Care Home for War and Labor Veterans and the learning and practice workshops of the parish of the church of the Icon of the Mother of God "Joy...
MINSK, 31 December (BelTA) – The Belarus President Administration should pay more attention to coordinating the state policy in legal matters. Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko made the statement on 30 December as he introduced newly appointed Head of the Belarus President Administration Alexander Kosinets, BelTA has learned. "Coordinating the state policy in legal matters is one of the most important tasks of the Belarus President Administration. The Administration should pay close...

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