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Meeting with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Tajikistan to Belarus Bakhtovar Safarzoda

Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko met with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Tajikistan to Belarus Bakhtovar Safarzoda on 15 January.

“Let’s intensify our relations. At the earliest opportunity, Emomali Sharipovich [Emomali Rahmon, President of Tajikistan] and I will have a conversation to determine priorities for the intensification of our relations. I think that you – as an ambassador, a very active and promising diplomat – will make a contribution to the development of our relations,” the head of state said.

Aleksandr Lukashenko remarked that the economy, trade and economic cooperation are the foundation of any interstate relations. “The Ministry of Foreign Affairs reassures me that the last year’s decrease in the trade turnover is insignificant and so on. However, as an economist I am used to looking at the processes in the dynamics. Last year, there was a slight fall in our trade turnover, but it was small against the backdrop of the year before. There was a significant reduction in the trade turnover in 2022. Therefore, our trade decreased in general,” the head of state said.

“It is impossible to ruin the foundation of our relations. As I have said, trade and economic relations are the foundation. Therefore, we need to work hard to restore the initial level of bilateral trade. Of course, we have enough products to increase this trade turnover,” the President is convinced.

He stressed that the $70 million, $80 million and even $100 million worth of bilateral trade is not enough for Belarus and Tajikistan given the existing potential. “We need to look for opportunities to increase our trade. We need to sort things out, like we always do. I am convinced that Tajikistan will accept such proposals. We must decide what goods to sell and exchange,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said. “You are well aware of our capabilities. We have everything what Tajikistan needs in manufacturing, agriculture, we have freight vehicles, and especially heavy trucks. Your mining industry is increasingly vibrant. And we can be of great support to you here.”

He stressed that there are no closed topics in the relations with Tajikistan. Belarus is also ready to cooperation in the military industry. “You are aware if our capabilities. Tell us what we can do to help Tajikistan ensure security. We are ready to join such projects, although you have already done a lot in this field,” the head of state said.

Official Internet Portal of the President of the Republic of Belarus