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Gomel Economic Forum to welcome representatives of 13 countries

Representatives of Belarus and 12 other countries are planning to take part in the 17th edition of the Gomel Economic Forum which Gomel is set to host on 21-22 September, BelTA learned from the press service of the Gomel Oblast Executive Committee.

“The Gomel Economic Forum is an important international event in the life of Gomel Oblast. It has a glorious history - over the years it has gone from an event of border significance to the level of a large-scale event with a wide geography of participants, contributing greatly to the implementation of dozens of investment projects, helping establish stable professional ties,” the press service said.

The event brings together heads of large, medium and small-sized businesses, representatives of authorities, diplomatic circles, international organizations, and so on.

According to the Gomel Oblast Executive Committee, over 370 participants have already registered for this year's forum: these are representatives from Belarus, Azerbaijan, Russia, China, Italy, Iran, Pakistan, the United Arab Emirates, Syria, Palestine, Vietnam, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan.

The program will comprise a plenary sitting, three breakout sessions (Production and Construction Potential, Tourism and Social Sector and Small and Medium-sized Business), as well as two exhibitions - PromStroyAgro and the one to display scientific and technical achievements of Gomel Oblast organizations.

The forum is aimed at promoting economic potential and strengthening the image of Gomel Oblast. “This is a platform to discuss topical issues of international trade and economic, investment interaction, establish reliable long-term relations, open dialogue and exchange of experience between representatives of authorities, enterprises and investors,” the Gomel Oblast Executive Committee said.

BelTA – News from Belarus